Gifted Assessments
Individuals who suspect themselves or their child of being a bright or gifted learner often consider seeking a private assessment. When the individual appears to learn at a more advanced pace compared to same-aged peers, a gifted assessment is often warranted. These individuals may also present with asynchronous development (e.g., emotion regulation skills that are not in line with their intellectual skills, social differences).
Advanced language development (e.g. using a highly developed vocabulary from an early age)
Quickly and easily absorbing information and learning new concepts; achieving mastery well ahead of their peers
Superior reasoning (e.g. solving complex puzzles or showing advanced logical abilities from an early age) and memory abilities.
Frequent step-skipping and using unexpected strategies when problem-solving
Tendencies to strive for excellence and perfectionism (can be a strength and/or a liability)
Intellectual curiosity (e.g. a keen interest in learning about, and taking in, new information)
Being an avid reader
Demonstrating very strong artistic or creative abilities
Deep, intense feelings and reactions
May have difficulties interacting with same-age peers
Gifted children may exhibit some of these traits but not all are required for a Gifted designation. Early identification of giftedness is crucial as it can help parents and teachers better understand the child’s unique learning profile and help arrange for placement in programs that will support their unique talents and needs and provide them with opportunities to connect with others who share similar interests and traits.
In addition, many gifted children have coexisting learning conditions (e.g., learning disabilities, ADHD) and are therefore referred to as twice-exceptional (2E). Assessment can help discover both giftedness and accompanying learning difficulties, if any. Receiving an appropriate education that meets the educational, social, and emotional needs of gifted children is critical. An assessment is often the best place to start when considering options so that parents can make informed decisions. We offer expert assessment and specific advice regarding educational options.